Internet Systems and Web Sites by API
API builds Internet technologies of various sorts as well as web site development. This includes:
- Full Web site development
- Database backends
- Application Web sites
- Enterprise system connectivity
- Operational support
API applies many different computer technologies to our Internet development and deployment including:
- XML programming, standards conformance and standards authoring,
- C++/Java with Internet applications (JSB,EJB etc.)
- Database technology (Oracle in particular)
- Multiple OS support (UNIX and Windows)
- Webserver Deployment (WebLogic through Apache)
API supports full cycle Web developments including:
- Graphical Design
- Functional Design
- Technology Selection
- Database Modeling and Architecture
- eCommerce and Merchant Account Interfaces
- User Experience and Site Implementation
- Web Server and Database Implementation
- Development Site Hosting
Contact us if you'd like us work with you.