Backend Systems and Technology Engines
As a highly technical company, API's speciality is building the software engines behind large and distributed computer applications. We build these systems from the business and functional specifications of our customers. We use tools and techniques so our development is economical and efficient and the systems are effective and long-lived.
The front end is what people use to easily get a job done. When we at API do our jobs right the backends are unseen magic to make it so.
Distributed Network Applications
API builds applications that are focused on business and functional needs. We work closely with our customers and employ rapid prototyping and extreme programming methodologies. Our customers are constantly engaged with development. In this way we ensure that the applications we build effectively do the job that needs to be done.
API builds both distributed network and multi-tier client server applications. These architectures are the apex of client server development and enable scaleable, distributed usage and are very appropriate for many business applications. In addition they serve well in heterogeneous environments including the Internet, telecom and wireless networks.
Web Applications
API builds "classic" web applications with a database, application tier, and web interface with all parts resident on the appropriate servers and with appropriate computer security. Just like our distributed applications these are all tuned to meet functional and business needs.
Database Backends
A core part of most large scale software and all Internet strategies is the database backend. This technical element is of critical importance. API provides the business modeling, design, deployment and support services to make the databases for these companies effectively support their business objectives.
We use advanced tools for data modeling and deploy on many brands of database, most noteably Oracle and Microsoft's SQL Server. We also remodel existing databases to allow scalability and data migration between brands.
XML and EDI Interfaces and Engines
The Internet is increasingly about connecting business systems. API is experienced at EDI and XML technology interfaces between systems and companies. We not only implement these interfaces we also get engaged in XML application standards.
eCommerce and Merchant Accounts
eCommerce is a critical part of many Internet strategies. To make this effective API can enable integrated merchant account transactions. These automated systems are then available for both online and traditional sales.
Supply Chain and Fulfillment Systems
In addition to the eCommerce connections API designs the software infrastructure for warehouse and fulfillment systems. These systems maximize customer value by controlling the purchase, delivery and end-customer notification and satisfaction.
Contact us if you'd like us work with you.