
API has been building enterprise, manufacturing, robotic and industrial control and Internet software systems since 1986 for customers around North America. Founded in Pittsburgh we have been headquartered in San Francisco since 1996. API is still committed to what we embarked on when founded: to make companies more profitable and effective by providing state-of-the-art software that maximizes business potential.

This software ranges from simple systems to full-blown enterprise applications and Internet sites. Some of these systems are custom and some are the products that have resulted from years of creating classes of custom software. API works closely with our customers, including extensive on-site involvement to facilitate the best-fit between the software provided by API and the customer's business needs.

API works for our Customers

API Mission

API is dedicated to building value for our customers with involved, knowledgeable engagement and by providing technically solid software systems. At API we are constantly working hard on our customer's behalf.