Here are links to various of API's customers and partners.
CustomersSpecific context for those customers can be found elsewhere on this site.
API AlliancesAutomation Programming, Inc. belongs to business alliances that help deliver state-of-the-art information, computer, networking and manufacturing systems.Oracle PartnerAPI is an Oracle Partner. We are resellers of the Oracle DBMS products and also have embedded it in some of our products. While we have great competency with the technical aspects of many other databases, Oracle is to be commended on the good business and support relations we've had with them over the years. Oracle can be contacted at the Oracle Web Site. Sun PartnerAPI is a Sun Partner. This in recognition of API's longstanding use of UNIX including Solaris in our custom systems and product development. Sun can be found at the Sun Web Site. Microsoft DeveloperThe Windows back office operating systems of Windows NT and Windows 2000 are important players in the Nation's overall computational infrastructure. To support API's ability to deliver whatever software system seems appropriate for our customers API is a longstanding Microsoft Developer. NI AllianceAPI has been an NI Alliance Member since 1993. This association stems from our mutual interests in manufacturing and test. API has great skills using all types of NI software products and we provide integration libraries for our products. Information about NI can be found via Instrument Web. |